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The Enchanted Year...

Awakening the Sacred Feminine Map of the Soul

What if...​


This was the year it happened...the year your life changed...the year you finally got your act together...the year things finally fell into place...the year your life became...


with Kathy Forest


Enchantment is not what you may think... In our wildest dreams, our fairy godmother would come down and sprinkle us with fairy dust and our life would magically transform.  Sadly, that is probably not going to happen.  But the truth is, you are the enchantress.  You are the one that can makes it happen.   But that work is not hard, in fact, it is actually very fun.


                           Enchantment needs to be invited in...

                           Enchantment needs to be coaxed and enticed...

                           Enchantment needs to be grown and nurtured...


But when you do...she will rock your world!  She will turn your life around and make you wonder how you ever did things any other way...


Are you ready?





​Welcome to your Year of Enchantment!  


During our time together we will engage the energies to bring in your Enchanted Year!   


Day 1 we will:  Engage the Enchantress by Reconnecting with our Soul

Day 2 we will: Engage the Creatrix by Creating from our Soul

Day 3 we will:  Engage Ceremony to maintain the connection

All classes are recorded for your convenience. 


By this time, you have probably done many of these classes, planning and prepping to get your world in order.  You have done some of them with ME!  This is different.  During our time together we are going to engage and awaken energies within you that you may have never even met that have laid dormant, just waiting for you to invite them...wake them up! 


We are going to explore the terrain of your soul!  We are going to allow her to speak to us and remind us of our Enchantment...


December 29, 30 & 31, 2024 at 1:00 pm Central Time

Allow 2 hours for each class 


Are you ready to become Enchanted?

As you may have guessed, I am passionate about getting this new information out to the world.  So, if you need a discount, please take it, and please select the amount that honors this work in an amount is in alignment with your Soul.

Re-establish your Divine Feminine Spark and Awaken Your Purpose

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