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Business On Purpose

Dear Soul Centered Entrepreneur,


  • Has your journey to this point felt like a very steep up-hill climb?


  • Do you feel an urgency to get on with your "mission or purpose" and help the people you came here to help, but those individuals are not walking in your door?


  • Maybe you just finished your training in your new healing modality and are ready to "start working" but don't have the first clue about how to begin or where to start.


  • Or you have been doing this for awhile now, but the clients aren't pouring in like you thought they would.


I have been in all of these places!  Most of them are very uncomfortable, sometimes downright scary.  They can cause you to feel emotions like fear, doubt, anger and frustration.  You begin to wonder if this was such a good idea or not. You may begin to doubt your guidance, or think that this is "not your path after all."



Do the work you love...make the income you deserve!

Create A Purpose-driven Business!

If this speaks to you, then you are not alone!  The market is flooded with individuals striving to live their divine plan, but not knowing quite how to make it happen.  If you have tried all the manifestation techniques, if you are exhausted from working an hourly wage even though you work for yourself, you are in the right place.


It is time for you to quit working in your business and WORK ON YOUR BUSINESS!​


The life of an entrepreneur can be the most rewarding and most frustrating experience you can imagine.  When I first began my healing business more than 20 years ago, I thought I would just get trained, "hang out my shingle," and hundreds of clients would come flocking to my door.  How hard could it be, right? After all, I had plenty of people enjoying my services when I offered them for free.  And they were also telling me what a wonderful counselor I was, and how much I had helped them. This should be so easy...NOT!...Needless to say, that was not my experience. I spent way too long working way too hard for way too little...BUT NO MORE!


I am going to show you how to use  Nature's On Purpose  System to empower your business like never before.  This is the same system I used to double my income last year!


                                           The more time I spend in Nature the more I realize that                                                              EVERYTHING she does is On Purpose.  In the midst of the most vast                                            diversity imaginable, with infinite perfection and precision, she                                                deliberately and endlessly creates over and over again.


                                          She is a wonderful reminder of the capacity we all have to                                                             naturally create abundant flow in a feminine way.  Not only does                                              she provide an example of unlimited proportion, she has left us a                                             trail to follow that allows us to utilize her vast storehouse of                                                       information easily and effortlessly.  You simply have to know                                                     how to unlock the code.



In The Business On-Purpose   Program

you will...

  • Dive deeply into the Moving Manifestation Matrix template created for your business to move your business out of the dream realm and powerfully into the physical realm.


  • Learn to work within the Mission and Vision of your business so you are working from your soul in all areas of your life;


  • Build solid structures to contain and form your ideal business, including business plans and budgets that you can embrace;


  • Create an abundant flow of divine right clients into your business;


  • Create goals and visions that can empower you rather than encumber you;


  • Learn the right actions to take to create a generous flow of income.


The 6-Module Business On-Purpose  Program


Module 1:  Creating with Spirit 

In this module we will create our Mission and Vision and set a course for success.


 Module 2:  Earthing Your Structures

In this module we will learn how Earth can help us form the structures strong enough to contain the flow of clients we desire.


Module 3:  Create a Sustaining Flow

In this module we allow Water to teach us how to zero in on our right and perfect clients and learn how to draw them to us.


Module 4:  Focus on the Future

In this module we will utilize the power of Air to set forth goals and visions.


Module 5:  Divine Right Action

In this module fire will show us the RIGHT actions to take to create the income we desire.


Module 6:  The Sacred Circle

In this module the Sacred Circle will show us how to bring it all together.










Stop Dreaming and Start Doing!

Business On-Purpose


Three Month Program:  $1,397 or $497 per month.


Six Month Program:  $2,797 or $497 per month


            Three Month Program                                      Six Month Program





























You will also receive:

  • ​Three 45-minute coaching calls per month with Kathy

  • One 60-minute Initial Planning Session

  • Unlimited email access to Kathy


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