Welcome to the Sacred Rhythms
Facilitator Classroom!
I have set this up so you will have your learning classes, as well as access to all the individual classes in a format that you can go in and edit (no PDF's). Please feel free to make the information yours to the degree that you feel comfortable. I have no restrictions on the content. I just want to get the information out there. I will post the Facilitation classes at the top as they become available. The classes we have finished this year in Sacred Rhythms (in editable form) follow after that.
Sacred Rhythms Facilitation CLASS 1
Sacred Rhythms Facilitation CLASS 2
Sacred Rhythms Facilitation CLASS 3
Sacred Rhythms Facilitation CLASS 4
Sacred Rhythms Facilitation CLASS 5
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 1
Slides - Updated for 2022!
Sacred Rhythms Chapter 1 -Updated for 2022!
​Sacred Rhythms CLASS 2
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 3
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 4
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 5
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 6
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 7
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 8
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 9
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 10
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 11
Sacred Rhythms CLASS 12
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 1
Body-Wisdom Boot-Camp Chapter 1
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 2
Body-Wisdom Boot-Camp Chapter 2
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 3
Body-Wisdom Boot-Camp Chapter 3
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 4
Use Module 3 Handout here
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 5
Body-Wisdom Boot-Camp Chapter 4
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 6
Body-Wisdom Boot Camp Chapter 5
Body Wisdom Boot-Camp CLASS 7