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Welcome home to your

Extraordinary Soul

Welcome to the classroom!  


I am ecstatic that you have chosen to embark upon this most sacred of all journeys!  This is the place where you will find everything you need so be sure to bookmark it so you can find it.


Your beginning assignments:

Please email me at, the following information so I can get started on the preliminary work.  If I have this info from you from a previous class then skip this part.  If you have received an Akashic Record Reading from me previously, listen to the recording and work on your 21 day clearing if you haven't done it.  I will contact you to do your reading, if you haven't had one, soon.



Name at birth

Birth date

Birth time

Birth Place


Extraordinary Soul Schedule


Next begin to gather your tools:


5 hand-sized rocks.  You will need 4 more of these later in the process.


Planner for 2020

A soft heart


To help with the soft heart piece, I am including a guided meditation to take you into the quantum field.  Do this practice as often as you can and see if you can work up to daily.  This will begin to allow your energy body to be sourced from The Source.


The first 20 online classes are posted below.  Most of you are doing the in-person class.  These are posted for your convenience in case you miss a class.  We will do 3 of these a month at our in person meetings.




quantum Field Meditation

Preparing for Modules 1-5 if you are doing these at home!


Some notes about doing the workshop on your own:


  • Be sure to download and print out the class workbook before class.  It will make it alot easier to do the exercises.  Because these are recorded, if you are doing them on the recording, feel free to stop the recording to finish any exercise that you need to finish.


  • You will want to use the 5 hand-sized stones for your own personal wheel on a regular basis.  Obviously outside is best but if you are doing the exercises inside, you can open and close the wheel with me as I do it on the Module recordings.  Be sure to close your wheel between uses!


  • You will need a notebook for journaling, a crystal, 2 or 3 dry beans, a few strands of your own hair, a feather or a representation of the animal kingdom, and a place to bury these items, either a potted plant or outside.  Since this is a ceremony, you may want to burn some sage or incense and smudge yourself.


  • These were originally meant to be done outside, in an active Medicine Wheel, one right after the other.  Obviously, it may not be possible for you to recreate this for yourself, but do your best.  If you can do them outside, that is perfect.  I know most of you won't have a wheel so no worries.  You will learn about this soon.


  • It is not advisable, to do just one module, and then stop for a long period of time.  Decide ahead of time how quickly you want to get through the material.  Set a schedule and stick to it. We will do the online Modules weekly so that is a good pace for you. If you get behind, I would not wait a whole month between Modules.


  • These are very high-level, powerful ceremonies.  Treat them that way.  If you have any difficulties, questions, or reactions you don't understand, please don't hesitate to contact me at 785-633-2424.


  • After the ceremony, treat yourself well.  No TV, alcohol, drugs, or other 'out of the ordinary' behavior for at least 24 hours.  Take salt baths, relax, meditate journal.  Let the teachings really sink in!


  • When you sign up for this course, you will also be added to the Extraordinary Soul Mystery School Facebook secret group.  Please be active on this, if you can.  There will be other information loaded there, and you will be able to interact with others who have had the same experiences you have.​

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

module 7

module 8

module 9

module 10

module 11

module 12

module 13

module 14

module 15

module 16

module 17


module 18

module 19


module 20

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